Stay Safe and Sell Smart: A Guide for Realtor® Safety Month

September shines a spotlight on the importance of personal safety for real estate professionals especially in light of the unfortunate recent headlines involving Yuk-Ying Anita Mui, a Realtor® in Toronto, Canada . While most showings and appointments go problem-free, the reality is that real estate agents face unique dangers daily. Alarming statistics from the 2023 REALTOR® Safety Survey reveal the pressing need for heightened safety awareness and measures in the industry.


The Alarming Statistics

Being a real estate agent often means working alone, meeting strangers, and visiting unfamiliar places. Unfortunately, these conditions can put agents at risk. The 2023 REALTOR® Safety Survey reveals some eye-opening statistics:

  • 56,000 REALTORS® have been victims of a crime while performing their duties.

  • 322,000 REALTORS® have felt fear for their safety while on the job.

  • 406,000 REALTORS® don't have safety protocols in place to protect themselves.


Utilizing Technology for Safety Measures

Technology can be a lifesaver when it comes to safety. Real estate agents have more resources at the tips of our fingers than we've ever had to keep ourselves safe. From GPS tracking to emergency alerts, integrating technology into your safety protocol is a smart move. For instance, using Google Maps or Find My Friends to share your location with trusted contacts can add an extra layer of security. Adding scheduled check-ins with a friend or family member adds even more protection.


Pre-Screening Clients + Meeting in Public Spaces

Prevention is key. One of the best ways to ensure your safety is to pre-screen clients before meeting them. Verify their identification and run basic background checks on apps like Forewarn. Meeting in public spaces such as coffee shops for the first consult can also minimize risks. Public areas give you the benefit of visibility and make it easier to exit the situation if something feels off.

Always trust your instincts; if something doesn't feel right, it probably isn't.


Using Safety Apps + Tools

Several apps are specifically designed to enhance the safety of real estate agents. Apps like Forewarn allow you to run background checks on potential clients, while others like BSafe offer emergency alerts that can be activated with a simple voice command. Another great tool is the Homesnap Pro app, which includes a "Safety Timer" feature. This allows agents to set a timer when they start a showing, and if the timer expires without being deactivated, emergency contacts are notified.


The Importance of Self Defense

Taking self-defense classes is an excellent way to build confidence and learn techniques that could help you de-escalate potentially dangerous situations. Many classes also focus on self-awareness and prevention strategies, equipping you with the skills to avoid confrontations in the first place. It's also worth considering carrying self-defense tools, like pepper spray or personal alarms, these can act as a deterrent and provide peace of mind. It’s important to familiarize yourself and practice using your chosen self-defense mechanisms, and understand any laws regarding their use.


Staying Safe from Cyber Crime

Cybersecurity is often overlooked when it comes to agent safety. Real estate transactions involve sensitive information that can attract cybercriminals. Be sure to use strong passwords, enable two-factor authentication, and be cautious of phishing scams. These scams involve being contacted by email, telephone, or text message by someone posing as a legitimate institution or person in order to lure you into sharing sensitive data such as personally identifiable information, banking details, and passwords. Regularly updating your software and using secure internet connections can also help protect your digital presence.


To Sum It Up

Safety is a collective responsibility. Connecting with other agents and sharing your own tips and experiences can contribute to a safer community overall. If you haven't already, consider participating in local Realtor® Safety Month events or trainings. Together, we can make our industry safer, one step at a time. Stay safe, stay successful, and let's make real estate agent safety a priority every month!


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